This is a reminder for those registered for the Darwen Vets that we need
more players to sign up this week for the singles competition being held
in May at Olive Park.  There is a qualifier on Olive Park on Friday 19th
May and the final to be held on Friday 26th May.
As a Club, we have 42 registered players for the league but only one
person has signed up for the competition at the moment.
Note that last year the Club had to pay a £20 fine due to no one turning
up for this competition, a waste of your money!
The sign up poster is on display inside the clubhouse and attached here
as a reminder of the details.
If you cannot get to the Club this week then either let me, Andy Tighe
or Kerry Holt know if you want to play in the competition.
Bill and Tony work extremely hard so it would be nice to flood this
competition with Edgworth players!!
Thanks for your continued support,

Information on Darwen Vets Competition