Message from Bill Stemp re Indoor Bowling next winter.
I have been asked by Maureen Gavaghan who runs Blackburn Indoor Bowling at Audley Sports Centre, Blackburn, if any teams wish to enter for next season 2023-24.
Teams of 4 play on a Tuesday, each pair playing for 55 minutes split within 2 hour sessions between 10 am – Noon, 12 pm – 2 pm or 2 pm – 4 pm.
Let’s support each other where possible.
Regards – Bill
If anyone is interested in being part of a second team next winter please can you let me or Andy Tighe know and I will co-ordinate with Bill and Maureen. Suggested squad size is 6 to 8 players max.
This will run in addition to the Darwen Indoor sessions run by Bill and Tony on a Monday and Friday, and in addition to the outdoor bowling at East Lancs and the MUGA at Edgworth, so you will have plenty of opportunities to keep your bowling arm active during the winter period!
Regards, Andy W, Secretary EBC, 07482 628500