Date and played  Winner and club Runner up
2012 – Edgworth John Mort – Turton Ross Hatzer – Edgworth
2013 – Turton Alan Topham – Turton Kerry Holt – Edgworth
2014 – Turton Ross Hatzer – Edgworth Ian Harvey – Edgworth
2015 – Turton John Mort – Turton Tony Ford – Edgworth
2016 – Edgworth shared:  John Mort and John Haslem
2017 – Turton Paul Booth – Edgworth John Haslem – Turton
2018 – Edgworth Geoff Ogden – Edgworth John Mort – Turton
2019 – Kerry Holt – Edgworth ?
2020 not played
2021 – Edgworth Stuart Duncan – Edgworth Pauline Booth – Edgworth